
"...when two or more compatible  elements are combined, they become greater than the sum of their parts."

Chasing the Sunset... 

The elements of my website are a collection of blogs detailing the challenges and victories I have experienced throughout my college education. Additionally, I have included my editing portfolio comprised of research papers, a website, an authored Wikipedia article, amongst other things. Lastly, I am introducing a phenomenal and wonderful man that I had the pleasure of working for over the course of the summer; My relationship and friendship has been a life-changing and monumental experience for me, and for my daughter. Many know him as UCSB professor Emeritus of the black studies department, Dr. Earl Louis Stewart, my daughter knows him as Grandpa Earl, and I know him as the great American composer. Dr. Stewart is a highly respected intellectual amongst any who has had the privilege of knowing him. Please stick around until the conclusion of my website for the enjoyment of a podcast detailing Dr. Stewart’s musical journey and his philosophies. 



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